The Tronix Ecart can travel up to 120 kms per charge and can be charged in 6 to 8 hours from a drained battery. It is also equipped with regenerative braking capability increasing the range up to 15% similar to top hybrid vehicles like Toyota Prius.
Ramon Castillo, Innovatronix' top boss said, “with our very good product development in the past years, the Tronix Ecart, with excellent battery range and charging, carrying capacity of 4-5 people and at amazing price of approximately PhP200,000 (about USD4600) and driving the Tronix Ecart costs as little as 60 centavos (PhP0.60) per Km. So there really has never been a better time and opportunity to introduce electric vehicles to the Philippine market but now!”
Tronix Ecarts are designed to be used in golf courses, manufacturing plants, warehouses and commmunities or townships.
This is not the first time that the company had forayed into electric vehicle manufacturing. Since 2003, it has been coming out with a few models of electric bicycles. Its latest model, the Tronix Ebike Exceed, a foldable electric bike, was released in 2009.
Prototypes are now running at Innovatronix facility and the company will behttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif coming out with 5 more prototypes prior to its release, to fully test and characterize its performance and reliability.
Innovatronix, a global Filipino technology company, is slated to release its E-cart early 2012.
Other Pictures of the Prototype Unit:

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