Most flash guns are now equipped with wireless remote control systems that they can also serve as studio flashes. When you are on your home/studio doing serious photography work or just practice shooting, you have to use tons of AAs or rechargeable battery sets if you are going to work for longer hours.
With the new
Tronix SpeedFire - you get away with battery depletion worries. The Tronix Speedfire powers the flash guns directly through AC power or main/wall socket. It is an external power supply which converts AC power to high voltage DC power that connects to the flash gun's external power port. Since connected directly to AC, your flash gun will recycle faster and will give unlimited number of flashes.
Tronix SpeedFire for Canon Flash Guns
Tronix SpeedFire for Nikon Flash GunsAffordably priced at USD135 per unit and best recommended for home/studio set up or setup when AC is available (semi-permanent set up). It measures 12.85cm x 7.45cm x 5.20cm, weighs 282 grams and comes in a pouch made in heavy-duty polycanvas.
Tronix SpeedFire- powers flash guns or small flashes directly from AC or wall socket
- plug and play feature, autovolt (100-240Vac)
- makes battery life longer due to reduced strain
- compatible with most Canon and Nikon flash guns (flashguns with external power connections)
- best recommended for home/studio or semi-permanent set up
ORDER YOUR TRONIX SPEEDFIRES NOW!Tronix SpeedFire for Canon Flash GunsTronix SpeedFire for Nikon Flash Guns